An experienced Multidisciplinary Designer- looking for referrals

Multidisciplinary Designer | Expertise in Product Design, UI/UX, & Brand Management | Passionate about Crafting User-Centered Experiences | Available for Exciting Opportunities

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Hi Sam!

Welcome to Refermarket! We’re thrilled to have you join our growing community.

Before we dive into specifics, we recommend taking some time to explore the platform. Here are a few things you might find helpful:

1. Get Familiar: Take a tour of the platform’s features. See how you can connect with employees at your target companies and leverage them for your job search.

2. Discover Resources: Our Help Center and Blog offer valuable tips and insights for maximizing your use of Refermarket.

3. Join the Conversation: Don’t hesitate to jump into existing discussions or ask questions in the community forum. There are many experienced members who can offer guidance and support.

Once you’ve had a chance to explore, feel free to reach out if you have any specific questions about finding your ideal role. We’re here to help you unlock the power of employee referrals!


The Refermarket Team

I’m not in design but if you are interested in Zillow and you see an open role on our careers page, feel free to submit a referral request!

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