Industry transitions

Hello! I’m working in the NHS as a General Manager and I’m looking to move to a healthcare consultancy or to become a project manager in a consultancy, tech or banking. I have a applied for quite a few roles over the last couple of weeks. I have had no interview requests, but I have had 4 jobs come back to me and tell my my experience is impressive, but they have found someone who is a closer match. Has anyone got any CV tips/advice for me as someone who is trying to transition into a new industry? I am willing to up-skill and I’m also very quick at picking up new information.

Hi @tom-01 . Thanks for sharing.

Your resume does indeed look impressive. One thing that helped me was really tailoring my resume for each position I applied to. (I know this would require more effort)

For example, in the Employee Details section of your resume, you call out Healthcare and Finance sectors. Can you limit it to “Finance” when you apply to Finance jobs? And same for Healthcare.

I would follow the same logic for all the roles you worked in the past. Sometimes I would even tweak my previous job title so it matches the job description.

Think of how Google crawls the web for keyword matches. You need your resume to match as keywords as possible with the actual job description. (Obviously you cant over do it :))

Hope this helps. Let me know how it goes.

Thank you so much! This is really helpful practical advice. I will definitely start tweaking my CV for each job in the way you suggested! :relaxed:

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Hey @tom-01 , Please keep us posted on how your job search goes. Its a tough and grueling journey. I think its important for us to all support each other. :grinning:

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I have been applying and I have just been asked to do an assessment and I have an interview with a different company! I have been tweaking my CV for each job and adding key words from the job description and it has worked. I will let you know the outcome.

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