Looking for Frontend mock/referral

Hi all,
I have 5 years of Experience in total and relevant experience in React js for 3 years. I am good at javascript and react js.
I interviewed with a few companies and either they rejected me or kept my profile on hold. So, I really don’t know what is wrong with my interview process. Thus, I am looking for someone to guide me with the interview preparation and also referral as SSE.

Dm me for advice on google interview.

Hey how do I dm here?

you can click on my profile and message directly

Can you initiate the message? I am not able to see any message icon :frowning_face:

@goldfinch-07 @magpie-56 sorry about that - we had messages disabled. Enabled now, please go ahead and DM.

Dm me if you want a referral at ServiceNow.

I messaged you @magpie-56 . Kindly reply and help me