Offering to refer at Adyen - World-class Payments Company (Europe / Global)

Hello everyone,

I wanted to extend an offer to refer you for job opportunities at Adyen, an exceptional payments company with a global presence. They have offices all around the world, including their headquarters in Amsterdam.

Adyen is truly an amazing company, offering great perks and an environment that can rival industry leaders like Stripe and PayPal. While their interview process can be competitive, I’m here to help. Before submitting your CV, I’ll personally review your profile to ensure the best chance of success.

If you come across any intriguing positions on Adyen’s job portal, don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I’ll do my best to assist you in navigating the application process and make a connection.


Adyen is now available on refermarket. That is, job seekers can now directly request referrals for Adyen.

Great thanks!